
Thursday, January 13

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly revisited

Good: Getting a 9% bonus check next week. After State and Federal taxes, I'll take home a little more than half (Thanks, Uncle Sam). So I decided to blow it all on a bed.

Bad: Like nasty. As in, "Oh, you bad boy!" Speaking of blow: Twice in two weeks on the bus ride home, the guy in front of me had his knob gobbed (different guys, same act). Both times, I was on the phone; not paying any attention until we were about to stop. The lights go on, her head comes up, and the coat's in his lap. I'm all for public sex- but that's pretty bold. It's like seven o'clock and the bus is full of commuters. Am I the only one noticing?! Or am I the only one that wants to notice?

Ugly: While waiting for the bus this morning, the two ghetto bitches standing next to me are yappin about the latest pro-athlete rape accusation. One says, "Ain't no one gonna admit to raping a white woman!" The other one looks dead at me and retorts, "Anything that has to do with a black man or black woman is gonna come out because THEY to keep us down."

Oooookay. First of all, it has nothing to do with black or white. It's about careless people doing foolish things. Secondly, this is not 1956. Only you keeps you down. And third of all.....

No. Fuck that. I'm so sick of ignorant people crying racism while guilty of it themselves! Just because my skin is lighter than yours doesn't mean I have anything to do with the Anglo-Saxons. My Grandparents stepped off the boat from Italy. They worked hard so their progeny wouldn't have to. I went through the same public school system as you. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table and a good paying job; so I'm doing alright. What's your fucking excuse?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If race were no longer an issue in the world, you would not even have to post this incident. Interesting that this conversation happened on Dr. King's birthday. Is Marietta perosnally responsible for keeping those Black american women down? NO, NO, NO!!!!
But white privelege in America is. As a woman who graduated high school in the same state and same year as Marietta, but I in a black community and she in a white community, I need to point out that my H.S. had nothing even near the facitiies as the white H.S. she attended (no football team, an arts high shcool with no drama budget-we bought our own costumes and dealt with bare bones sets, often bought our own books for calssesth Board of Ed should have supplied etc). That said, just because a high school graduate is underprivelged does not mean that they cannot rise above a large majority of bullshit as many of my graduating class have succesfully overcome, and it is disheartening to hear these women continue to externalize responsiblity, BUT it is true that they have never had the same chance as we have. What can we DO as white americans to close this division? Can we hear these Black women complaints as more of a call to action?
Also, interesting to note and coincidentally I am currently reading and HIGHLY RECOMMENED "Are Italian-Americans White: the making of race in America." The editors intro says yes we are white and our grandparents didn't have to pay near the dues that African Americans among others still must pay to get somewhere in life (did someone say Condeleeza Sell out?) and talks about our obvious African heritage and what that means for us and others. Marietta I am gonna send you a chapter, I think you will find it facinating! btw I miss you!!! CALL ME!

7:40 PM  
Blogger Caryn said...

"Speaking of blow: Twice in two weeks on the bus ride home"
That's hilarious.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering I went to the same high school as Miss Marietta, I have to say the "facilities" (as it were) were just this side of shitty. For basketball, I got to wear a 15 year old pair of polyester short-shorts. This would be fine if I were Daisy Duke, but I'm not. The place was old and beaten up. I've seen worse, but it's not like good ol' MCHS was filled with ritzy goodness.

Thank you. Drive through.

-Alechemist, a.k.a...aaaaaaaaaaa six foot five inch soph-o-more from Ollllllllld Briiiiiiiiiiiidge, New Jersey

4:21 PM  

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