
Tuesday, October 26

The Politics of Love

Continuing along the non sequitur of yesterday:

*Ellen DeGeneres lists in this month's Bazaar why a woman would make a good president. Among my favorites are:
1) Foreign relations would improve because a woman president would just keep calling back saying, "We need to talk."
2) It would reinvigorate the pantsuit industry.
3) Wouldn't you love to see a Secret Service agent holding the presidential purse?
4) A female president would probably introduce more soft, muted tones to the White House. Perhaps after some redecorating, it would be called the Eggshell House.
5) "Hail to the Chief" would be played an octave higher, or it would be replaced entirely by Destiny's Child's "Bootylicious."

*Despite my tough exterior, I'm quite fragile. And yesterday a new chapter was added: allergic reaction to legumes. It could have been the cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts or brazil nuts (I've since made an appointment for the tests). One minute I'm eating a bag of mixed nuts- next my uvula is swelling and my inner ears itch. I thought for sure I was going to have an anaphylactic episode. With the EpiPen at the ready, a handful of Benedryl goes into my system. But I didn't panic since there was no difficulty breathing.

Okay, an hour and a half later, I get on the bus. My man, all dressed up, is waiting for me at a restaurant downtown (Brumfus), the poor darling. He insisted on bringing me home, put me in bed, made doubly sure I didn't need anything and waited out the potential attach (it usually occurs 6-7 hours after I eat) as I passed out from all the antihistimines pumping through my system. After about five hours sleep, he got up and went to work this morning.

I need to do something really special for him tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure they test you for peanut allergies too, as those mixes are oft mixed on the same tables as peanuts were and or the mix may have had some peanut oil in it.

1:04 PM  

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