
Wednesday, September 1


Is what I'll be calling Dog Girl from now on. Because everytime I refer to her as the GF unit, Jay protests, "She's not my girlfriend!" although she's been over every night for the past two months. Which, quite frankly, is making me suspicious as to her living situation (or lack thereof). And my brother brought her to our niece's third birthday party. Sorry, you don't bring "a piece" to a family function- no matter how long you've been fucking.

Indications she's chipped her way into that role:

*Jay leaves our apartment in the morning before she does
*He walks her dog
*They're spotted canoodling around town
*She wanders around the pad in just her underwear

If that's not relationship behavior, I don't know what is....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cripes, J. The place looks so...nice. Where's the curling flames, the dramatic statues, the menacing whiff of vendetta in the air? This place looks like the queer eye guys stopped by AFTER "Extreme Home Makeover" hit the jernt. By the way, if your'e not gonna use those Egyptian statues, can I have one?


12:59 AM  

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